토익 영단어 암기

ability: 능력 (_____ to speak fluently)

absenteeism: 결근* (repeated ____ )

access: 접근권한* (have ____ to)

accessible: 접근이 가능한 (make it ___ to someone)

accordance: 부합 (in ____ with)

accordingly: 상응하여*

accrue: 적립하다. (_____ interest; ____ sick leave credits)

accurately: 정확히 (_____ account for)

acknowledge: 인정하다

acquisition: 인수 (= take-over)

advantage: 유리한 점 (take ____ of)

affix: 부착하다.* (____ the label)

affordable: 저렴한* (at an _____ rate)

agenda: 안건 (a printed ____)

aggressively: 적극적으로 (____ pursue)

aim: 목표 (with the ____ of)

aimed: 겨냥한 (sports gear ____ at young teenagers)

air-tight: 꽉 닫힌 (_____ container)

alternative: 대안/대체* (feasible _____s to fossil fuels; an _____ plan)

apparel: 의상

appliance: 기기 (home ____)

applicable: 적용되는* (____ sales tax)

apply: 지원하다, 적용되다 (The term was applied to)

appointment: 예약 (make an _______)

appraisal: 감정, 평가* (performance ______)

appreciation: 감사 (showed their ____ for)

apprehension: 불안감 (___ among the employees)

appropriately: 적절하게* (should dress _____ for the occasion)

approximately: 대략 (in ____ one hour)

arbitration: 중재 (_____ began)

arrangement: 사전 준비 (make an _____)

assistant: 비서, 보조 (an ____ to)

association: 연합 (in ____ with)

attendance: 참석* (the poorest ______ record)

attendant: 접대원 (a flight ____)

attendee: 참석자

attire: 의상* (formal _____; professional _____)

audit: 감사 (receive an _____)


barely: 겨우 (with _____ eight weeks left)

barring: 제외하면 (_____ extreme fluctuations)

beautification: 미화* (city ______ project)


child-proof: 어린이 안전용 (_____ safety lock)

cite: 인용하다. (____ employee satisfaction as)

closer: 더욱 더 정밀한 (upon _____ examination)

cognizant 인식하는 (be _____ of)

collaborate: 협력하다. (_____ on)

collate: 대조하다 (_____ their thoughts)

collection: 소장품, 수집품* (museum ______; ceramic tile collection)

collectively: 집합적으로

commensurate: 비례하는 (remuneration ____ with their experience)

commodity: 기초 물품 (____ prices)

comparable: 비교할 만한 (____ to)

comparison: 비교 (in ____ with: 비교하여)

compatible: 호환성 있는 (____ with)

complacent: 게으른 (become _____)

complimentary: 무료의 (____ light breakfast)

comply: 순응하다 (____ with the building codes)

comprehensive: 종합적인 (a _____ guide to the region)

concerning: ~에 관한

concurrently: 동시에 (The product and packaging are ____ developed)

condense: 압축하다, 요약하다. (____ the book/file into)

confident: 확신 있는 (____ in)

confidentiality: 기밀 (______ agreement)

confiscate: 압수하다. (____ the stolen property)

conjunction: 결합 (in _____ with)

conscious: 의식하는 (____ of)

consecutively: 연속적으로

consult: 조회하다. (Please, ______ the product manual)

contact: 연락하다. (Please, ______ the customer service center)

continually: 계속 (are _____ dumping pollutants)

contribution: 공헌, 기부금 (make ____ to)

control: 통제 (beyond ______: 어쩔 수 없는)

convenience: 편의 (for your ______)

cooperatively: 협조하여 (work ______)

cordially: 진심으로 (You are ____ invited)

correspondence: 서신 연락 (the business _____ on this matter)

corrosion: 부식 (resistant to ______)

cost-effective: 저렴한* (____ method)

coverage: 적용, 보도 (media _____; insurance ______)

conveyed: 전달된 (The information should be ________ to)

custody: 구금 (taken into _____)


dedicated: 헌신적인; 전용이 (a ____ worker; ____ telephone lines)

defiance: 대항하여 (in ____ of)

defy: 배반하다 (____ description: 형용할 수 없는)

demand: 수요 (much _____ for cars; ___ for seats at the seminar)

demanding: 까다로운 (an overly _____ supervisor)

demoralized: 사기가 저하된. (employees were very _______)

desirous: 갈망하는 (is _____ of)

deteriorating: 약화되는 (deteriorating conditions)

dignitary: 유명인사 (the local ____)

discretion: 판단 (at the ____ of)

disperse: 흩어지다 (_____ the crowd/population)

diversify: 다각화하다 (The conglomerate decided to ______)

divided: 나눠진 (is ____ into)

dividends 수익 배당금 (paying _____ on its common stock.

donate: 기부하다 (____ money/blood)

drape: 천으로 덮다 (_____ the table)

durable: 내구성 있는 (_____ goods; a very ____ material)


effect: 효과, 효력 (come/go into _____)

efficiently: 효율적으로* (as ______ as possible)

electronically: 이메일로, 전신으로 (sent ______)

eligible: 자격이 되는 (be _____ to 부정사; be ______ for 명사)

emphasis: 강조 (place an ____ on)

enable: 가능하게 하다* (____ A to 부정사)

enclosed: 동봉된, 지붕이 덮인 (The shopping center is _____)

endangered: 멸종위기의 (_____ species)

engraved: 새겨진 (A watch ____ with your intials)

entitled: 자격이 되는 (____ to 명사)

enthusiasm: 열정 (with such _____ that)

equip: 설치하다* (A with B)

escort: 수행하다 (She will ____ you to ~)

estimated: 예상되는 (the _____ time of arrival)

exception: 예외 (with the ______ of)

excitedly: 흥분되어 (spoke _____ about)

exclusively: 전적으로, 제한적으로 (_____ for today's busy executives)

existing: 기존에 있는 (make use of the ____ facilities)

expectation: 기대하는 바* (The _____ is that S+V)

expedite: 신속화하다 (to ____ the handling of your call)

expiration: 만기, 만료 (the _____ date)

exposure: 노출 (too much ____ to sunlight)

extensively: 대대적으로 (was _____ renovated)

extremely: 극도로 (be ____ careful)

evacuate: (건물 등을) 비우다, 대피하다


factions: 당파들 (split into a number of rival _____)

familiarize: 익숙하게 하다 (familiarize A with B)

fascinated: 매혹된 (____ with)

favorable: 유리한 (____ weather condition)

feats: 위업들

feature: 특징, 기능, 특별히 선보이다. (will ____ a report on)

fiscal: 회계의 (____ year; ____ responsibility)

flexibility: 융통성, 유연성 (X the flexible of)

focus: 초점을 맞추다 (____ on~)

forecast: 전망 (a long-term economic _____; the local weather _____)

forfeit: 몰수당하다

foreseeable: 내다보이는 (in the _____ future)

further: 추후의, 추가적인 (until ____ notice)


gauge: 측정하다 (____ the reaction of the consumers)

gratuity: (standard _____)

grandeur: 웅장함 (former _____)


hardly: 거의 ~하지 않는다. (He ____ ever comes to the meeting)

hazardous: 위험한 (is ____ to your health)

heavily: 많이 (rely ____ on; will rain ____ tomorrow)

hesitantly: 우물쭈물 (rather _____)

honor: 명예 (in ___ of)


imperative: 중요한* (It is ____ that S+동사원형)

inaugurate: 개시하다* (____ the route between A and B)

incidental: 부가적인 (_____ expenses)

inclement: 매서운 (_____ weather)

incompetent: 무능한 (an ____ employee)

inconsistent: 불일치의 (is _____ with)

indicated: 명시된, 표시된 (as _____ on the chart)

indication: 표시, 징표 (a good _____ of)

informative: 교육적인* (is both _____ and interesting)

informed: 박식한* (____ decision; _____ readers)

inherently: 본질적으로 (_____ risky business)

initial: 약식서명하다 (should _____ the time cards)

initiative: 솔선수범 (take the _____)

installments: 할부 (금액) (three easy monthly ______)

intended: 의도된 (is ____ for publication)

interfere: 방해하다* (Dust can ____ with)

involved: 관여된* (____ in)

irrelevant: 무관한 (is ____ to us)

itinerary: 일정 (travel _____)


juvenile: 미성년의 (a _____ crime)


labor: 노동; 일하다 (who ____ed outdoors)

lag: 처지다; 지체 (____ behind the schedule; suffering from a jet ___)

largely: 주로 (due ____ to)

lasting: 지속되는 (leave a _____ impression; have a ____ effect on))

lax: 느슨한 (be ____ in)

lucrative: 수익성이 있는 (a highly _____ business)


mandatory: 필수적인

malfunction: 고장 (due to a mechanical ____)

mandatory: 필수의

marginal: 적은 양의 (there is only ____ interest in)

means: 수단 (the preferred ____ of travel; by ____ of)

memoirs: 회고록 (published his ______)

merged: 합병된 (Once _____)

misplaced: 잘못 두어진

monopoly: 독점 (has a ____ on)

mounting: 가중되는 (____ pressure from the public)

mural: 벽화 (the _____ on the wall)

mutually: 상호간에 (reach a _____ beneficial solution)


narrow: 좁히다 (____ down the list of candidates to three)

neutrality: 중립성 (her ______ was called into question)

nominate: 공천하다

notify: 통보하다* (___ A of B; ___ A that S+V)


objective: 목표 (the _____ of)

observance: 준수 (in _____ of the national holiday)

observe:준수하다 (___ the "no-smoking" sign:금연사인을 지키다)

onset: 시작하는 시접 (at the ____ of the game)

openings: 빈 자리 (job _____)

opposing: 상반된 (the ____ point of view)

optimistic: 낙관적인* (is _____ that S+V)

outfit: 의복 (put on a new ____)

overdue: 연체된 (The library book was 5 days _____)


particularly: 유난히 (are _____ small)

parties: 당사자들 (all interested _____ should contact)

periodical: 정기간행물 (____ section)

persuasively: 설득력 있게 (present arguments ______)

phase: 단계 (at the last _____ of the construction)

precipitation: 강수 (temperature and _____ data)

preclude: 사전에 막다

premium: 할증금 (insurance _____)

presiding: 주재하는 (the _____ officer/judge)

presumably: 추측컨대

prevalent: 널리 퍼진 (once so _____ in this province)

primarily: 주로 (made ____ of plastic)

proceeding: 진행되다 (The work was ____ as scheduled)


procrastinate: 게으름을 피우다.

productivity: 생산성 (employee ______)

promptly: 신속히 (must be answered _____)

prospective: 잠재 (_______ buyer/client/customer)

prosperity: 번영 (in times of _____)

provision: 대비 (make ____ for)

proxy: 대리인 (You can send your _____ instead)

punitive: 징벌의 (in _____ damages)


quarterly: 사분기의 (the _____ earnings report)


raise: 인상(하다); 제기하다 (a pay ____; ___ questions about)

realistically: 현실적으로 (cannot _____ expect)

readily:기꺼이 (___ available: 기꺼이 사용 가능한)

reception: 접대 (at the ______ )

recommendation: 추천 (on the _____ of)

reference: 참조 (in ____ to)

redeemable: 상환 가능한

reimbursement: 배상 (request a _____ for; monthly _____)

released: 발표된 (a recently _____ press report)

remainder: 나머지 (for the ____ of the month)

remittance: 송금 (a _____ slip)

remuneration: 보상, 보수 (will give some _____ to)

rendered: 되다 (was ____ useless)

replace: 교체하다 (A with B)

resignation: 사임 (the _____ of the personnel director)


response: 응답 (in _____ to)

responsive: 반응을 보이는 (is ____ to)

restore: 재건하다, 복원되다 (____ to its original condition)

result: 결과 (as a ____ of)

retrieval: 복구 (the information _____ system)

rise: 상승; 상승하다 (the ____ in the oil price; on the ____)


satisfactory: 만족스런 (a ____ excuse/outcome)

savings: 저축 (____ banks)

scrutinize: 면밀히 조사하다 (_____ the vase)

settlement: 합의 (finally reached a ______)

severely: 심하게 (will be _____ reprimanded for)

significantly: 상당히 (increased ______)

slightly: 약간 (is ____ higher than)

speeding: 과속 (was ticketed for _____)

spending: 지출 (the development ______)

stable: 안정적인 (remained _____)

stock: 물량 (out of ____)

stockholder: 주주 (the company's _____)

strategic: 전략적인 (a _____ objective of the company)

strategy: 전략 (a creative advertising ___; an effective marketing ___)

streamline: 간소화하다.

striking: 놀라운 (_____ difference between them)

subject:* 가능한* (is ____ to change)

substantial: 상당한 (a ____ amount of)

sufficiently: 충분히

superior: 월등한 (is ____ to)

sure: 확실한* (X make surely that)

surrounding: 둘러싼* (in the ______ area)

suspicious 의심하는 (be _____ of)

telecommunications: 정보통신 (______ industry)

tentative: 임시의 (discussing a _____ agreement)

temporarily: 일시적으로 (was ____ suspended; is ____ closed)

timely: 적기의 (in a ____ manner)

toll: 요금 (____ collection: 요금 징수)

transaction: 거래 (was charged for each ____)

transcribe: 받아 적다 (had her ____ the minutes)

transfer: 전근 (put in for a _____: 전근을 신청하다)

transferable: 양도 가능한 (The tickets are not _____ to)


unanimous: 만장일치의 (a ____ support/decision)

unbiased: 편견 없는 (an ____ opinion/advice)

unoccupied: 차지된 (remained ______)

unusually: 이례적인 (____ high staff turnover)

user-friendly: 사용이 편리한 (_____ computer software)


valuables: 귀중품 (Do not leave any ______ unattended)

vary: 다양하게 변하다. (the results may _____ depending on~)

ventilation: 환기 (good ______)

vested: 기득의 (___ interest: 기득권)


waiver: 면제 (request a _____)

wane: 쇠퇴 (on the _____)

workload: 업무량 (a heavy _____)

'___ > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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